Revile the praise

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The curious ritual of Revile the Praise involves performing an action that one considers utterly repugnant and "enjoying" it—not literally, but in the sense of not avoiding the disgust the situation causes us, as a tribute to the God Goan, the deity of disgust and revulsion.

The origin of this ritual has been impossible to pinpoint, as the earliest mentions come from civilizations that had no contact until much later. Thus, it is believed that this ritual was the result of trial and error, or perhaps it was Goan himself who planted the idea in our minds to mock us.

How to Worship the Antithesis of Worship?

Many believe that Goan is the true god of fear, as it is disgust that motivates us to fear things and avoid them. So how on earth can we perform a ritual to exalt him? Simple: we don't. The idea of this ritual is to pay in advance to avoid having to feel repulsion at the worst moment. Whether it's to stop avoiding a topic we've been postponing, to control our opinion on something we dislike for someone else's sake, the idea is to feel intense aversion to the situation we will experience during the ceremony so that Goan will be satisfied with us and not bother us for a while.

It should be noted that no records specify how many days of immunity we receive, but almost all recorded rituals claim that the results are more than astounding. There are documented ceremonies to prevent bad things from happening during festivities, to fulfill marital obligations, to take exams, to face large audiences... The list is extensive. Another common feature of the results is the strong desire not to go through that ceremony again.

In this ritual, the only authority is your gut; if you don’t want to vomit, you're not doing it right. From jumping into pools full of insects to immersing oneself in manure, or public nudity... everyone has their weak point. Mine? Freshly disemboweled human entrails—don't ask how I know. And rest assured, I would never perform this ceremony again...


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