Silver Guard

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The Silver Guard is a military organization responsible for maintaining harmony between the elves and humans, as well as upholding the statutes signed in the Pact of the Sentients.

While these are their main functions, they also work to prevent corruption, whether from humans or elves, from getting out of control. Despite being a new institution, they are already respected and admired by the populace. They have a policy of constant recruitment because the majority of applicants do not pass the entrance exam, not even the elves.

Entrance Exam

Since the tests are quite demanding, it's common for some aspirants to spend years trying to pass them. The only requirements to participate are being of legal age—whatever that means in your kingdom; I've seen 13-year-olds enlist—and being capable of using magic. This means that scholars and scribes like us get to stay home. Thankfully.

The first test is physical and is divided into three parts: obtaining approval from a captain in physical fitness, another in combat (both individual and team), and another in magic use—all the captains in this test are elves, so good luck. It seems relatively simple, but if you don't get approval in all three, you will never pass this test. And the approvals expire in a year, so you can't pass them one by one and focus on one thing at a time.

The second test is mental and involves evaluations of decision-making, and risk-benefit assessment. In this case, you are evaluated by a committee constantly, so if you pass once, you're good to go because you've probably done everything right. This is probably the easiest part, and I don't say that because I'm a paper-pusher, but because the instructors are very good and can turn a miner into an expert in civic law.

The third test, and where most elves fail, is the test of faith. Here, the aspirant must accept a contractual spell where their motives for wanting to join the Silver Guard are evaluated without the possibility of evasion or lying. They assess your moral principles and your belief in coexistence between the two species. Honestly, I think this is the most important test because I know more than one Silver Guard member who has never been in shape. And I'm not talking about being overweight or unable to take two steps; I mean a clear difference between some guards and others.

But one thing is undeniable: those who make it seem much happier. Even from afar, you can tell they get along well. I wish there was half the camaraderie in the @Guild. Here, everyone is so stubborn. And I'm the worst of all.


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