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Halflings are so named because they possess a pair of lower limbs, and in many cases a tail, of non-sapient mammals such as rats, goats or foxes with an upper body resembling that of a small human. Despite their resemblance to humans, Halflings are a race of the dwarfkin lineage, more lithe and nimble than other races of the dwarfkin, less common than Dwarves and slightly more abundant than the Gnomes, and represent a later branch of the dwarfkin lineage.   After a long and desperate appeal to the ancestors for aid in their war against the Ogres, legends say that Lowica the Whispering Fang answered their call, and transformed every fourth young dwarven warrior to make them stealthier, swifter, agile, sure footed, and gifted with many other traits by blending their physical forms with animals. These young dwarven folk became the first generation of the Halflings, and with their great sense of duty and community served the role they were cast into by Lowica and granted acceptance and respect by their families and neighbors.    

Halfling Physical and Mental Traits

Gifted with greater agility by their hybrid features, as well as the ability to move through challenging terrain swiftly, the Halflings main distinction from their dwarven kin remains the same today. Each clade has its own movement specialty, such as swift swimmers among the aquatic kin, and climbers among the arboreals.   Halflings have also become more charming than their dwarven ancestors, perhaps a feature of their childlike faces, or an adaptation to the increased hostility in reactions of others to their hybrid appearance.  

Halfling Senses

Often possessing the heightened senses of the creatures they share resemblance to in their lower limbs, Halflings frequently demonstrate advanced hearing and Scent, as well as more sensitive low-light vision common to other dwarfkin.  

Halfling Diet

Perhaps an intentional gift, or inadvertent bonus, but Halflings ability to easily digest foods that have not been fermented was also enhanced by the transformation of their digestive systems. It is still quite common for them to primarily consume fermented and cultured foods when living among mixed dwarfkin communities, but among Halfling dominant communities their diet may be as exotic as the locale and clade allow for.  

Halfling Longevity

One burden of their changed form is a much reduced life span. Most Halflings will live only slightly longer than humans, at 100-120 years, a great loss from the three centuries most dwarves persist.  
Halfling Courtship and Reproduction
In response to their brief time on Lorgaire, the Halflings move swiftly in courtship as well. Mating commitments are less formal, and typically more personal than arranged. Mourning periods vary widely, but finding a new partner is much more common than among other dwarfkin.   Mating season for Halflings aligns with the spring fertility festivals of other dwarfkin, and traditions of beginning many types of new endeavors at this time are also shared. Halfling gestation is thankfully shorter at a mere 30 weeks, and like other dwarfkin the birth of multiple pups is typical. A doe who successfully lactates can expect a much shorter refractory period than other dwarfkin however, at just two years before the pull of mating season returns.   Single born pups are perceived disfavorably in line with dwarfkin myths or legends, but more as unlucky than evil among the Halflings. Similarly they are more likely to perceive the tall folk as unfortunate, than cursed, for their propensity for single born children.   Exploration and settlement of new colonies are also among the endeavors Halflings engage in with their spring time commitments. These may be mixed dwarfkin colonies, or exclusively Halfling, though the later is less common and they tend to be smaller and less fortified.    

Halfling Speed

Swift movement compared to other dwarfkin is typical of halflings, some times even outpacing humans or elves. Additionally their lower limbs often grant halflings a movement speed for climbing, swimming, or even burrowing.  

Halfling Communities

Outside the Shadow Sea halfling dominated communities are less common, and they are predominantly found among other dwarfkin, but occasional groups can be found among humans or elves.  

Halfling Interactions With Other Races

The acceptance by their dwarven kin stands in stark contrast to how the humans and elves have responded to similarly transformed peoples. The elves have not been as swift or complete in their rejection as the humans, but the persistent attempts to eradicate ocrs, dark elves, and trolls from their territory had been equally brutal.   Whether such a metamorphosis is wrought by the hands of outside powers or their own weavers, they have been met by fear and repulsion, and the arrival of the Halflings among the small folk was met with similar hostility. Even today the Halflings, and Gnomes, are much less welcomed among the tall folk.     - -   Written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge answering the Wild Card option Species A HYBRID SPECIES INTENTIONALLY BRED


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