Nahya Kurah Condition in Lorgaire | World Anvil
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Nahya Kurah

The changing disease, or lycanthropy as physicians know it today, was a plague rapidly spreading through the populations of the Harutha during the late reign of the Petty Kings. Tales of people afflicted with nahya kurah or other transformative diseases have existed among the cultures on both sides of the Tenebric Mountains for well over a thousand years. Moon worshiping members of the Lunatis Etarine gave sanctuary to many of the afflicted, leading to greater public awareness of the afflicted among them and the resulting backlash.   The southern neighbors of the Harutha, the Asteir Terou, from the shores of King's Bay perceived the nahya kurah as a corruption of humanity, and with the transformation of the people of Hoabb in their minds gave rise to the Silver Fulgor in the region and the eradicaiton of the nahya kurah and the Lunatics.   Despite the common elements of worship between the Celestia and the Lunatis Etarine, the latter's harborage of carriers of the nahya kurah was seen as cause for violent intervention. With rising popularity of the sentiment promoted by Niklas Svetlonosic, a high priest among the Silver Fulgor, and the rulers of the Asteiri open to calls for a campaign or conquest, their movement spread rapidly. These campaigns or crusades to purge the nahya kurah from the region by the Asteiri drove the most recent conquest of the Harutha lands by their southern neighbors and the formation of the Aster Heiroth empire ruled from Scepterstone.   -   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge, answering Condition A SICKNESS THAT CAUSED SOCIETAL UPHEAVAL


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