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Silver Fulgor

The Silver Fulgor is dedicated to purity, of both living beings and the first world. Those committed to their cause are abjectly opposed to corruption and distortion by outside powers, and have launched crusades against things ranging from extraplanar invasions to disease. Not a religion itself but more of a philosohical and defensive cause, the Silver Fulgor brings together many people of different cultures, races and faiths who feel threatened or frightened by the influences of the outer realms.   First formally organized roughly fourteen hundred years ago in the wake of the Nahya Kurah plague by Niklas Svetlonosic and other vocal opponents of the acceptance of diseased people into settlements previously believed to be safe refuge from the changing disease, the Silver Fulgor rose rapidly gaining adherents in many knightly and ecclesiastic orders. Believers in the organizations cause to combat metaphysical corruption may meet openly in many areas, welcoming public involvement in their information gathering and messaging, but also engage in more secretive gatherings of raking officials or specialists when met with organized resistance to their methods or narrative.   The strength of the SIlver Fulgor to influence society and politics has waxed and waned over the centuries, often rising a great deal after the spread of a conspiracy or word of a open gate or rift travels to nearby settlements. In its infancy the organization was strongly opposed to the Lunatis Etarine a faith focussed on moon worship with widespread acceptance in the King's Bay region where several religions have featured stellar symbology. In their campaign to cleanse the region of the lycanthropes and other carriers of changing diseases the Lunatis Etarine was eradicated along with the disease carriers they harbored and promoted tolerance of. Several similar movements have toppled governments and longstanding institutions where the corruption of outer planar powers have been beleived to have gained influence or control.     - -   Originally written for 2024 Summer Camp challenge answering Organization An organization fighting corruption


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