Summercamp 2023

This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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This article will be expanded upon in the future

July is getting closer and closer by the day and this means another round of Summercamp! This year will be the 5th time joining this event, which just doesn't sound right. Where did all the time go? Even if I only managed to achieve copper, it always sparked a lot of inspiration and new ideas for my world.   This year time during July is pretty rare. I won't be available for the first half of the month, and then will be moving apartments. So I'm not sure how much time I'll have to do Summercamp. Because of that - like last year - I will take it easy and just try to write as much as I can. Copper is the goal, anything else is a bonus. And even if I don't even manage to achieve Copper that's alright to, because every article written is an article I didn't have before!  
I pledge to write as many articles as I can, but I won't force myself to write. To Copper and Beyond!

I'm joining Camp Chill again!
Challenges like Summercamp can be a lot of fun and can push ourselves to achieve more than ever. My best work came out of the challenges run here on World Anvil. It's incredibly motivating, joining all these amazing worldbuilders out there, but it can also be incredibly exhausting and draining. In the end, we are all taking part to have fun and improve our work, and there is no point in burning out while doing so.  
Last year Annie Stein came up with the guidelines to Camp Chill, and they worked great for me last time, so I will join again this year. You can read more about camp chill in her Summercamp Pledge here.  
  • Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.
  • Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.
  • Relax when you feel tired.
  • Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.
  • Don't abandon your non-summer camp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.


    Theme Preperation


    Power can come in all kinds of ways. From political power to physical power, over military power all the way to the powers of the universe. There are many things unexplored in that direction in Lothrea, but three major ones immediately come to mind:

    Power Dynamics between the major countries on Teldora now and historically: I've started to explore the different countries on Telodra in the past, but given that there might be a map commission taking place at the moment, I want to dive deeper into this, especially exploring the historic power dynamics.

    Power of wealth in the Golden Coast: The Golden Coast is the primary focus of my worldbuilding at the moment, and there is a huge divide between rich and poor and that region I haven't explored too much yet.

    Natural Powers: This is an area I have explored way too little so far. How does magic work? Who can use it? What are gods? How can they influence the people of Lothrea? Are there powers above the gods? Could somebody abuse them? There are countless unanswered questions there that I'm looking forward to explore.



    Frontiers often describe edges, areas and places inbetween - this might be the space between two nations, the edge of a wild expanse or just the boundaries of an explored area. But frontiers might also describe non-physical edges. Scientific and Socialogical breakthroughs open up vast possibilities and opportunities, and this threshold itself might be considered a frontier. In Lothrea there are a couple places and events that might fit this description:

    The Depths of the Ocean: Recently my DnD campaign started exploring the Depths of the The Golden Coast. I've already built some cornerstones of the history and culture (like The Eternal Reef a significant burial site to the Triton people, or Iriserend their capital city), but there is so much more to explore in the depths below.

    Scientific and Arcane discoveries: I'm planning to move Lothrea more and more into a steam and magepunk direction. Scientific and arcane discoveries have been going on for a while now. Cities like Okodranous and Mora have been leading this progress, and might change the world.

    Sociological Changes: The new scientific and arcane discoveries also come with their costs. In many places in Lothrea, inequality between the upper and lower classes has been growing for centuries, and many of these new discoveries are only accelerating this growth. Okodranous is already looking at a small rebellion growing around Mica "Shadowbloom" Conan and many more will follow pretty soon.


    New Map?


    Last week I did mention that I have commissioned a map, and this week I got the final result back. Still a lot of work left to add all the information and markers to it, but this theme felt perfect to share it here! Also take a look at the layers, there might be something hiding there!

    The map was created by the amazing AP.. If you want to check out more of her incredible work, head over to her portfolio here


    Relics can come in all different shapes, and Lothrea has countless old traditions, items, lost cultures, and ancient history. From the history hidden in the ruins of Kathal'Dir or the Silver-Heart-Bastion, to items forged during the War of Fate by the Divines, all the way to rituals with long lost origins. During summercamp I do want to focus on a few things:   The Giants of Kathal'Dir and the origins of the Triton people: The giants of Kathal'Dir ruled over the Golden Coast during the Dawnera and where in constant conflict with the first humans of the coast. Both great empires were destroyed by The Sundering, but their ruins and ancient artefacts are still around to this day.   Ancient Artefacts: Many ancient artefacts have shaped history, but I have written about way to litte of them so far. Divine artefacts, like Culporis, the Collector of Debt or Tempestas, the Stormbringer have been forged by the gods themselves. Other artefacts like the Tome of Infinite Wisdom, or the Maul of Flowing Rock created the foundations for magnificent countries and empires.   The Silver-Heart-Bastion: The Silver-Heart Bastion is stuck in broken time and is one of the most dangerous places in Lothrea, but holds answers to the fundamental workings of the world. Many people have tried to explore the ruins, but only a few survived. Whoever might unlock the secrets hidden here will achieve powers beyond Mortal comprehension.  


    Music can provide a lot of inspiration, and is one of my major ways to relax and get creative. Recently I wrote a piece of music about Lost Empires and the wonders of times long past, which fit perfectly with the relics theme of Summercamp. Give it a listen, and I hope you'll enjoy it!  
    As you cautiously step into the dimly lit chamber of the ancient ruin, a surge of awe and curiosity fills you. The air is heavy with the weight of forgotten centuries, whispering secrets of lost empires and forgotten realms. Dusty tapestries adorn the walls, telling stories of grandeur and triumph, now reduced to faded threads.
    You run your fingers along the worn surfaces of intricate carvings on weathered stone pillars, feeling a profound sense of connection to the past—a bridge between the present and a time shrouded in mystery. It is humbling yet exhilarating, for in these hallowed halls, you witness the echoes of greatness of those who came before.


    This one is a tricky one. Communication is such an important and gigantic topic to cover - from languages, over secret signs, to art and technology. There are countless ideas in Lothrea that could fit this prompt - magical means of communication over long distances, secret organisations, artists using their music to show inequalities and many more.   The music of Mica "Shadowbloom" Conan: Mica was my entry for the Bard challenge and still one of my favourite articles. It even includes some original music! Mica is an artist in the city of Okodranous and famous for open critique of the ruling class. If possible, I want to expand more on her music, and influence on the city itself, because music is a form of communication - maybe even the best!   Technology and Magic: Lothrea has developed more and more into a high magic and steampunk world. There are countless ways of communicating even over incredibly long distances, and I haven't explored a single one so far. Summercamp might be the best time to get started on this.  

    Looking back

    Summercamp always spiked great ideas in my world, so this week I decided to look back at my favourite ideas of previous summer camps and how they affected my world.
    Tria's Light has become one of the major landmarks in my current TTRPG campaign. The Star Seekers shaped the politics of the whole area, and the lighthouse itself, became one of the major inspirations while fleshing out the city of Okodranous.   Another Summercamp article - the Night of the Moon Festival also made it into my current TTRPG campaign. It's the biggest festival on the Golden Coast, and ends with the big prophecy of Tria - the latest one predicting the doom of the Golden Coast. This prophecy became one of the driving factors behind this campaign.

    While this article seems to stand by itself, and is unfinished in parts, the ideas behind it have shaped the way I think about magic in my world. It gives a reason to why some people are more skilled with magic and why it's not something to be toyed with. It's the reason of some of the major events in recent history, like the displacement of Plane Touched from the Kingdom of Abonaria to the Shadowcliff of Okodranous.

    While this article hasn't had a major impact on my world building, it's still one of my favourites. I came up with the map of Teldora years ago. During a "Trash my map" stream, Caeora and Dimitris mentioned that the river network of Teldora doesn't make geographical sense - and they are totally right - but instead of fixing the problem, I came up with an explanation why it is what it is!


    Burning King
    Rank/Title | Jul 30, 2023
    Chromatic Protests
    Military Conflict | Aug 1, 2024

    A series of peaceful protests by artists in Okodranous, fighting against the exploitation of workers in the city. The final takeover of the harbour sparked the big Harbour Festival of Okodranous

    Character | Jul 30, 2023

    Coddic is considered the father of steam engines and magitech. He discovered countless materials and technologies which became the foundation of today's technology. But not everything seems to line up around him

    Crystal Spire
    Building / Landmark | Jul 30, 2023

    The Crystal Spire is an ancient building in Lirca, even predating the city's founding. It's intended purpose is unknown, but it is still a breath taking sight to behold.

    Harbour Festival
    Tradition / Ritual | Feb 25, 2024
    Kingdom of Abonaria
    Organization | Nov 9, 2023
    Ethnicity | Dec 9, 2023

    The Kyfasi are a group of people living in the southern Golden Coast. Tasked with protecting the natural order of this world by the goddess Zehtris herself, they travel the coast and surrounding areas observing and helping from the shadows

    Maul of Flowing Rock
    Item | Jul 30, 2023

    An ancient artifact, able to reshape rocks and mountains. It was essential in the founding of Kamorda, but since has been lost to time.

    Mythic Explorers
    Profession | Jul 30, 2023
    Natalia Revera
    Character | Jul 30, 2023

    Natalia is a Kyfasi Wanderer, traveling the Golden Coast tasked with protecting the natural order of this world. She was one of the first people to encounter the alien invasion of the Coast

    Starfire Gem
    Material | Jul 7, 2023

    Starfire Gems are created by the Star Seekers of the Golden Coast. They contain pure magical energy and can be used in many different ways to power and enhance magic

    Starwind Scrolls
    Technology / Science | Jul 30, 2023

    Scrolls used to instantly communicate across vast distances and entire continents

    The Glowing Coast
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 30, 2023

    During the Winter Solstice the entire Golden Coast is shrouded in the spores of the Ambrosia Fungi. During this magical event, the coast celebrates the Night of the Moon festival

    The Voiceless Holm
    Geographic Location | Jul 14, 2024
    Thanks for giving this a read!
      If you enjoy what I'm doing consider giving this a like, and let me know what you think about this article in the comments.


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    Jun 10, 2023 13:34 by Mochi

    Gooood luck! Hope you can get some writing done, you've got a busy month ahead xD <3

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
    Jun 10, 2023 14:01

    Thanks! Yes it will be a busy month, but it's a good type of busy!

    Want to find more of the things i'm doing? SatriumHub
    Jun 10, 2023 15:20 by TJ Trewin

    Right? Where did the time go? xD Copper is an excellent goal to work towards! Enjoy a relaxed and inspiring summer camp :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jun 10, 2023 20:53

    Time seems to have a tendency to just vanish without notice! Hope you also have a great Summercamp!

    Want to find more of the things i'm doing? SatriumHub
    Jun 10, 2023 20:47 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Good luck with both Summer Camp and also moving apartments. :)

    Jun 10, 2023 20:53

    Thank you! Good luck with your summercamp plans as well :)

    Want to find more of the things i'm doing? SatriumHub
    Jun 16, 2023 09:29 by Annie Stein

    Good luck with the move, and with Summercamp! If the map you tease is the map I've seen, man, are people in for a treat!

    Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
    Jun 16, 2023 10:52

    Thank you! Good luck with your summercamp plans as well! And yes, the map I've been teasing is the map that you've already seen, and now it's even part of this article! It really is a treat. AP did such an amazing job with it.

    Want to find more of the things i'm doing? SatriumHub
    Jun 16, 2023 11:46 by Rin Garnett

    Camp Chill represent!   I know I've said it before, but that map is gorgeous and the CSS with the heraldry is brilliant. The fast travel lines are fun, too.   Best of luck reaching copper and may the prompts be forever in your favor :)

    Jun 26, 2023 19:57

    Thank you! AP really did an incredible job with the new map, and I could not be happier!   Good luck with your Summercamp plans as well! May the words flow in Camp Chill!

    Want to find more of the things i'm doing? SatriumHub
    Jun 27, 2023 06:59

    Best of luck!
    Looking forward to see all the new sparks of inspiration each new article will start ^^

    Have a look at my entries for:
    -Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
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