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Heyth (Hey-ith)

Heyth is an iron rich continent who serves as the leading supplier of iron, copper, and other important metals and stone for the world of Louche.  


  Heyith is a very new continent having been only populated by small groups of nomads until 1153DE.   In 1153 DE Heythina Caliska, an explorer from Anor came to the shore of where Aquinil was founded. Several years after setting foot onto Heyth Heythina took explorers into the mountians surrounding the main continent, two seperate explorations were lost before they broke into the caldera of Heyth.   In 1223 DE Fulten de Leona came from Morsari to the northern bank, in a stunning endevor they began multiple conlonies over the span of 1223 to 1276 DE.   In 1389 DE the fledgling conlines of Heythina and Fulten met in the forest of HexelBreath and a war began. Lasting until 1394 DE a peace treaty was declared and the two factions became one.   In 1395 DE Heyth was official declared a continent, Fulten its captial.   Over the next 100 years the continent flourished, in 1497 DE Anor declared war on Heyth, seeking to subjegate the continet for its rich source of metal.  


  Heyth is a mountainous continent, the Ironside mountians blocking the continent off from its western neighbors. What isn't covered by rocky soil is instead populated by heavy swaches of forest.   Anquil and Nova stand as the two longest standing ports into the continent. Fulten stands a fair way south of Nova and is the midway stop for both HexelBreath and Wiltshore. Beyond the west of HexelBreath lies Mother's Mill, a small farm stead and a inhospitable land. The newest city, Helenfort lies just north of Mother's Mill just past Paladins Pass.


Heyth is ruled by a democracy made up of a concil of the mercentile guilds. The goverment upholds commerce and trade above all else, often leaving infastructor and expansion to suffer.   Military   Fultan guard   The Fultan guard reside inside and outside of Fulten, They act as both a military and national guard for all of Heyth. They respond at the concils will, often only serving those in power.


They have a very trade heavy infastructure, Aquinil and Nova acting as the two major sources of trade of goods to and from the continent. Fulten serves as the capital of commerce and trade for national and international trades from Neldorlad and Harduin.  


  Heyth is populated by a large population of Anor Dwarves, Morsari Gnomes, and Neldorlad Humans. They have all long since come together, their origins shed under the freedom of open land and little rule.
Titles: Ironside, the land of freedom and lawlessness
Alignment: N
Capital: Fulten
Ruler: Concil of Commerce
Government: Plutocracy
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish

Religions: Dwarven pantheon

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