ALTI Young Disciples

The Ambassador Life Training Institute (ALTI) Young Disciples Program provides a structured means for church leaders to ensure its young people learn and conform to church doctrines and grow into active, engaged, right-ordered church members. Believing that young people today face an onslaught of widely-accepted, demonically-influenced secular beliefs, church leaders instituted the Young Disciples and modeled it after Jesus Christ and the discipleship he shared with the twelve apostles.


The Young Disciple Program's primary goal is to bring young people closer to the Lord.  
  • To encourage young people in their right-ordered spiritual walk in a secular world.
  • To give young people tools and methods to study the Word and ALTI church doctrines for themselves.
  • To help young people grow in the Lord and their local ALTI community.
  • To encourage young people to share their faith with each other and non-members.
  • To help young people see themselves in the Kingdom of God.

Peer Mentoring

Trained, older students mentor younger students—called peer mentors—look after their mentees in the secular world to ensure they stay on the straight and narrow biblical path prescribed by the church. High school juniors and seniors typically mentor freshman, sophomores, and even middle school students with appropriate adult supervision. Peer mentors themselves receive mentoring from local collegiate students and sage, elder, and appointed members of the ALTI community charged with the ministry of continuous indoctrination.  

Fraternal Correction

Fraternal correction is an important part of mentoring. When a mentor—even a mentee—sees his brother- or sister-in-Christ acting in a non-Godly way, they simply approach, calmly grasp the other by the elbow, and pull them aside for a short discipleship discussion.
Notable Members


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