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Where the river Maniliru met Jibisál Ghunu there stood a proud city by the name of Dhuiduniu, "Whiteport". From the docks by the bayside shore to the hills at the back of the city, streets flowed to form clean, geometric curves around statued squares and busy marketplaces. The buildings were carefully designed with beauty in mind as much as practicality and built with white stone prevalent in the region.

People came to Dhuiduniu for two reasons: to make money by trade, or to enjoy the various pleasures only followers of the Cult of Bhasalud could offer. Midnight revelries enhanced by various substances were popular among the poor and the wealthy alike, and sacred practices of their faith drew curious crowds from all over the world. And while Juiwian faithful in the region frowned on the rites and festivals, they could do little against events held behind closed doors and underground dens of debauchery.

The docks of Dhuiduniu were a colourful display of the wealthiest nobility and the poorest dockworkers alike. As jewelry from across the Trade Sea was being carried to large warehouses, pleading beggars roamed among the people with open palms.

It was said what couldn't be found in the docks of Whiteport did not exist. This was doubly true if one were to take a left turn at the right crossroad and arrived at one of the many side streets where black market goods from all over the world were offered to those who know to ask, and city guards visited only when their own pockets ran dry.

A wide main road left the docks uphill toward and through the heart of the city, where the Palace of Princes stood at the center of everything. Surrounded by gardens and elegant estates of the wealthiest of society, it was the core of Dhuiduniu's government and the seat of power in the entire region.

In the Silent Age Dhuiduniu was the capital of the Bhasulud-Anasu. After the fading of Elder Gods the region's unity crumbled and one nation became a hundred city-states, all vying for the same resources and power they used to share. Through diplomacy, force and cunning Dhuiduniu's rulers, the Merchant Princes, managed to win in this mostly bloodless affair and become known as the Jewel of the Shining Cove.

Jewel of the Shining Cove


Alternative names: Whiteport
Pronunciation: /ˌðuiduˈniu/

Founded in: Silent Age
Location: Jibisál Ghunu, Nalidin

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