Gem Blessing Tradition / Ritual in Lualunia | World Anvil
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Gem Blessing

Gem Blessings are powerful crystals that provide the magic source for Lunia foxes. The gems on the Lunia body are a reflection of their loyalty to the gem blessing, and the distinct hues signify which gem blessing they are associated with. The magic of the Lunia foxes can be enhanced or diminished by the state of the gem blessing as well as the current power status of the guild and it's members. It is essential to keep the gem blessings healthy and well-maintained to preserve the magic source for the Lunia foxes.

Switching Guilds through Gem Blessings

  If a Lunia fox wishes to change their guild and be part of another guild associated with a different gem blessing, they must first seek the approval of the region's elders to undertake the journey to the gem blessing of the region they want to join. The journey to the new gem blessing guild can be dangerous, and Lunia foxes must be well-prepared and equipped for the challenges they will face.  

Different Ways of Accepting Lunia Foxes

  Each gem blessing has its own way of accepting Lunia foxes into the guilds surrounding it. This could be something like a loyalty trial, an offering to the gem and/or region it's on is required to prove oneself to the gem blessing, or staying with the current guild until loyalty is shown to the elders of the region. Lunia foxes who wish to join a particular guild associated with a gem blessing must get the approval of the region's elders.    

Castle Square and the
Guild Initiation Festival

  Once a year, during the Guild Initiation Festival, Lunia foxes can be marked by the elders without travelig through their dangerous lands to reach their castle. These foxes get a temporary mark on their face, which is made with a bit of crystal dust mixed with charcoal, to make the journey to their region's gem blessing.   The festival is held in the neutral grounds of Castle Square, where Lunia foxes from different regions come together to showcase their skills and magic. It is also a time for Lunia foxes to make new friends and learn about different cultures and traditions before deciding to switch. The festival is a celebration of the unity and diversity of the Lunia foxes and their deep connection to the gem blessings that provide them with their magic.


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