History and Royal Family Document in Lualunia | World Anvil
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History and Royal Family

LuaLunia is a magical world where foxes hold a significant role in shaping its history. The origin story of LuaLunia revolves around the first fox, King Folas, that fell into this world from the human world. King Folas would go on to create a lineage of powerful foxes, with the current royal family being descendants of this first ever Lunia fox.    

The First Lunia Fox

  The story of LuaLunia starts with King Folas who fell into the world from the human world. This fox, navigating its way through the new forest, created a small den near the neutral ground in LuaLunia. While hunting, it stumbled upon something shiny sticking out of the ground.   King Folas felt drawn to this shiny object, hearing voices in its head to touch it. Upon touching it, the gem ripped itself out of the ground and flung the fox backward into a tree. When the fox woke up, the gem had lodged a piece of itself into its chest and turned its fur completely white. The gem stood proud floating surrounded by wisps of energy and guided King Folas to understanding it's vast amount of powers.  

The Birth of the Lunia Fox Lineage

  King Folas grew his family by finding a LuaLunia Lunia fox, which is the region's version of human foxes. Each one of the human fox's children inherited a singular type of magic; The gems guided them towards the current sub-kingdoms, of which when the child Lunia fox touched the gem on those lands, it grew in power and knowledge about its magic.  

Expansion of the Lunia Fox Lineage

  The children of these children decided to set up towns as well as their own families, pulling in local foxes from the area who, when they touched the gem, a fragment broke off into their bodies. The children however were naturally born with gems in their body. This process continued, with the older generation of Lunia foxes without gems dying off until all Lunia foxes inherited a gem, and the Lunia fox lineage grew in number and strength. Each fox had the magic of the land they were born on, or if born on neutral land whichever magic the father had, and their gems allowed them to harness magical abilities right from the start.  

The Royal Family Creation

  Eventually, the original children ended up going back to their den in Castle Square with their mother and father, where the family resides as royalty. Being a direct descendent to their father has allowed them to live much longer, and with the help of yearly blessings from the neutral gem as well as the gem having King Folas's lifeforce infused into it, they can extend their lives. It's still unknown how long the children can continue to use the blessing.


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