Lucidia Organization in Lucidia | World Anvil
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The Northern Nation of Lucidia is a nation that spans across its entire continent with the same name. Lucidia is known internationally as the birthplace of Magic, and has stood as an established nation since 680a, when King Darren traveled to other Countries such as Galderon and Teramont to establish their first inernational relations.

There are many groups of people that claim Lucidia as their home. Elves are indigenous to the land, residing on the continent since the early centuries of the Alpha Era. The First Humans to walk on Lucidian soil sailed from the eastern country of Galderon, and established a rocky, but eventually strong foundation for the country in its earliest decades. Fi'Ohn immigrated to Lucidia after their home, the Katian Isles, collasped to rubble in the sea, after their slow assimilation with the Lucidian people, they soon called Lucidia their home as well. Gryphons have thought to be Living in solitide centuries before humans first sailed to Lucidia, the spiritually enabled folk had hid from the ever expanding society of Lucidian until they were finally discovered in 349b. Seraan have only recently begun to find new life in Lucidia in 603b, though their addition is just beginning, nobles believe that they can soon find their own corner of Lucidia to call their own.


  1. High King: The supreme leader of Lucidia, representing the nation and its people in political affairs. The High King acts as the seventh member of the high council, if the high council agrees upon presented issues by unanimous vote, the High King does not need to address the issue already agreed upon. However, if the High Council cannot come to a decision on a particular issue, the High King would hear the meetings of the high council and act as the final decision maker upon such issues.
  2. High Council: A group of 4 members appointed by the High King, the High Council meet and make executive decisions in the name of Lucidia. At meetings, these 4 members are joined by the Lords of each province, which makes a council of 6 members, not including the High King. The High Council will discuss potential national laws, new regulations, or political actions and must come to a unanimous decision by the end of their meeting. If a decision is not made, the High King will attend a follow-up meeting, hearing the council and acting as the final decision maker upon the issues addressed.
  3. Provincial Lords: Rulers of their respective provinces, the Lords make decisions for their provinces that do not require the attention of the High Council, such as organizing resources, or establishing regional regulations. Provincial Lords have their own council to discuss matters, however, the Lords can make decisions regardless of council opinion.
  4. Provincial Council: A smaller council of 3 members that oversee affairs in their respective province, and will bring issues and statements to the Provincial Lord. The council does not need to make decisions for issues, but only discuss them as a group with the Lord, offering recommendations or opinions.
  5. Regional Mayors: Regional Mayors are responsible for overseeing a single city, as well as its surrounding lands. Any statements or complaints of their region are addressed by the Mayor, if it does not require the attention of the Provincial Lord.


Lucidia was once a largely un-explored continent, where Elven kind inhabited a small fraction of the land. In 550a, A fleet of Human explorers set foot on the eastern coast of Lucidia for the first time. Upon discovering the Elven civilization, the Humans offered an agreement to share the land and intermingle peacefully. Decades of slow explorations across the continent, and peacefully coexisting with the Elves, a man by the name of Sedrik Eidenholm led an aggressive seizure of the elven settlements across the land. It didn't take long for him to acquire complete control, and bestown upon himself the title of King Sedrik in 612a.
Over the course of 50 years under the rule of King Sedrik, natural resources became poorly managed and scarce. In an attempt to improve life on the land, A secret rebellion had begun to grow to the size of a small army. War soon broke out, and charge was led to the castle of King Sedrik, where he was killed by a Human named Darren Bradley.
After disabling Sedrik's remaining forces, 7 men were decided to lead the people into a new age of prosperity. These 7 men formed the High Council, meant to address issues of the people as a group rather than as a single person, and appointed as High King, the final member of the high council and meant to represent the newly formed body of government, was Darren Bradley, officially becoming King Darren in 668a.
The members of the high council as well as King Darren arranged to reform their society into a stronger nation, which was given the name of Lucidia.
Lucidian National Flag
The official Flag of Lucidia boasts a two-toned purple color, representing royalty and dignity, a border of white surrounds the flag which represents purity. 3 golden stars decorate the bottom section of the flag, standing for each of the 3 'golden' provinces, meant to portray happiness in each of them. A white Dragon adorns the center of the flag, standing for strength, intelligence, and pride.


Lucidia is divided into 3 united provinces.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic

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