Bayek, The Moon's Blade Character in Luiverse | World Anvil
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Bayek, The Moon's Blade

Eternal Warrior


The Blade of Khonsu the head warmaster of the Sons of the Scarab, and leader of the Medjay, Bayek is one of the deadliest warrior-mages in the world, surpassed by a few including Imhotep himself. He is a peerless warrior with total dedication to Imhotep and his cause, zealous and loyal to a fault and willing to go to any lenghts to see Imhotep's plans come to fruition. He serves as the premier general of the Sons of the Scarab, coordinating and leading their elite Medjay into military operations, but he is also the chief warden of the Black Pyramid, responsible for it's security and keeping it safe from anyone who would try to destroy/capture it.


Born during the later years of the Egyptian Old Kingdom, Bayek was a peerless warrior even then, becoming leader of the Medjay and personal bodyguard to the, then High Priest, Imhotep. Both men soon became close friends and confidants, with Bayek being the only one Imhotep truly trusted, and began to make plans for the future. When Imhotep planned his ascension to immortality, Bayek became conflicted with his loyalties: on one hand stood the loyalty to the Pharaoh and Egypt, he had sworn a vow to protect the Old Kingdom and he had to do it; On the other hand stood his friendship with the High Priest and Vizir, someone he held in high regard and wished to help if he could. Whatever his choice, Bayek had to choose, and the consequences of that choice would forever change him.

The Price of Friendship:

In the end, Bayek choice was obvious, he opted to help his good friend, and defend him while he enacted his ritual. When Imhotep enacted his ritual of immortality inside the pyramid, Bayek stood at the gate when the Ngoma warriors arrived to take both men under arrest, but they weren't expecting such a warrior. Of the 15 Ngoma lackeys sent to bring them in, only 2 survived, and the battle destroyed the pyramid where they stood, but the Medjay was overwhelmed and defeated, being dragged to incarceration, but he bought enought time for Imhotep to escape.

The former Medjay was arrested and stood trial in the presence of the court and the Pharaoh himself, he tried to plead his case but the Ngoma had infiltrated the court too well, and controlled the ears of the Pharaoh. The scheming mages whispered in the ears of the Pharaoh that Imhotep and Bayek wished to usurp the throne and cast down the chosen of the gods. For the crimes of treason and sedition, Bayek was stripped of his titles, his accomplishments erased from history and sentenced to the worst punishment possible: Living Mummification.

Bayek was brought by the Ngoma schemers to a tomb deep in the desert, specifically designed for traitors and criminals. There Bayek was mummified alive, his organs were ripped from his body while he screamed into the night, his pitched sounds a plea for help, for no one to answer, and silenced by a burning pincer, cutting off his tongue. He was then buried with an Iron Maiden Sarcophagus, and his body left forgotten in the sands of place and time, but it was not the end for Bayek, it was only the beggining.

The Sons of the Scarab:

Unbeknownst to the encarcerated Medjay, Imhotep, alongside his followers, was planning a daring raid to get his friend out of prision, but he recieved knews of Bayek's fate too late. When Imhotep's forces gathered, they assaulted the Ngoma prison, taking heavy casualties, but managing to overwhelm the mages and their guards. When he saw what remained of his friend, Imhotep flew into a rage never since before or since, he found the Head Warden, a Ngoma mage whose name has been lost to history, and used him as a sacrifice for the Spell of Life, which he cast in Bayek, bringing him back as a Mummy.

After his immediate ressurection, the shock of being brought back to life was too much for Bayek, who flew into a rage that destroyed the prison, and almost everyone caught inside of it. It took Imhotep's might to contain his distressed friend and, with the few survivors of the raid, leave before Ngoma reinforcements arrived, for they had surely seen the explosion. It took Imhotep a few days to calm his friend, the stress of having his sould ripped from the Duat had been traumatic and Bayek still needed to adjust, but when he did it is said he wept at the sight of his good friend, and they both embraced, glad that everything worked out well.

Now on the run from the mages of the Traditions, both men decided to form their own organization, one that would preserve knowledge and protect mankind's past, present and future, thus The Sons of the Scarab were born. Imhotep's followers would make the bulk of the Scarabs, travelling across the world and beyond, in search or knowledge and power, and they succeeded, gathering secrets from unimaginable places, both on Earth and beyond. But it was a dangerous task, and sooner or later there would be casualties, and that came during their encounter with the Followers of Set.

The Vanguard Rises:

When Alexander The Great, the king of Macedonia, made his way to Egypt, declaring himself Pharaoh and descedant of Amun, the Sun, he left behind a city with his namesake and a Library with knowledge from all over the globe. It was a no-brainer that the Sons of the Scarab would try to control the Library of Alexandria, but when the team tried to infiltrate it, under the disguise of scholars, they were exterminated by a cult of Set, one of the Setites many fronts. This marked the first violent contact between vampires and the Scarabs, but while the Setites would start this war, Bayek would finish it.

Recognizing the dangers of certain places and supernaturals, the old warrior made the case to his friend that the Sons needed warriors as much as they needed scholars. Bayek envisioned an elite cadre of warriors, modelled after the Medjay he used to pe a part of, a vanguard that could scout dangerous places of power and knowledge, securing them for the further research and documentation. These new Medjay would be hand-picked from the existing members of the Scarabs, with an emphasis on those prone to military training and martial arts, these First 10 would be the tip of Bayek's spear. The old warrior trained these men and women into the mystic and martial arts known to him before and since his ressurection, turning them into peerless warriors.

Bayek would personally lead the first strike team against the Followers of Set. The new Medjay would strike out in Ptolomaic Egypt, clensing it of the Cult that killed their comrades, in one night, the Cult of the Serpent was wiped out in a series of lightning raids that left the rest of the clan confused. Meanwhile scholars from the Sons infiltrated the Library and began cataloguing it's contents, and leaving behind secret angents to continue this process. The raid was a success forever granting the Scarabs a foothold in Egypt, that lasts to this day.

The Traveller's Champion:

The newly ressurected Bayek had found new purpose, to serve Imhotep and make sure his plan came to fruition, but while his new powers were formidable he still wasn't as powerful as when he was alive. While his new condition as one of the Undying came with a set of perks, powerful perks, they didn't compare to his old magicks


Bayek, The Moon's Blade

Friend (Vital)

Towards Imhotep




Friend (Vital)

Towards Bayek, The Moon's Blade



Current Status
Investigating the underground Tzimisce and Giovanni Rebels
Current Location
1,82 m
Egyptian Pantheon
Aligned Organization

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