BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Light-Heart is a traveler from distant lands. He appears as a fair, young boy, standing no more than four feet in height. His features acquire a glowing quality at times, though mostly, Light-Heart keeps his hood covering most of his head and face.   He likely lived in an isolated place, because he is a bit awkward interacting with people. But he has come to learn about the world. He is also quite musical, and sings along with his gusli when affecting magic, which he does with facility.   Shortly after his arrival at the volkhv encampment, Ratibor led him to the caves, presumably to help him answer questions about the world and himself. Inside, he met other travelers undergoing trials, and joined them in the attempt to find a way out of the caves, which had become blocked by a large boulder.      Light-Heart helped the group procure a magical skull which gave them directions on exiting the caves. Eventually, they found a way out after entering a bubbling pool of blood, but Light-Heart was transformed by the experience - his pupils became completely blank.
4 feet


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