BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

54 -55th Sessions

General Summary

The party goes to see Robinia at her home. It's a mini mansion, and neither Robinia, not her father remember how they got the house, only that they just walked in one day. Ellie probes Willibald's mind, with his permission, as he doesn't remember what caused him to fall earlier that day and he is denying that he's ever had a fiancée in Tottenham. Ellie finds that parts of his memory are "squishy" like they have been altered. This includes his trip today, moving into this house, meeting the party last time they were in town and many, many memories in this town. There is no sign of a fiancée.

Ellie checks Tasha's and Theo's minds. They have squishy memories too! Meeting with Willibald and Robinia in the tavern is squishy, though they do recall him talking about a busy fiancée. There's squishy memories from before the town too, especially in the town square, where he fell. A lot of memories are compromised starting with when they met Ellie.

The party goes to check out the town square, including the well. A 5 year old girl suddenly begins screaming with her hands over her ears while looking at the well. When surround adults go to comfort her, she stops screaming and looks confused. The party follows her home where inconsistencies in the story are revealed and her father denies having a wife or a mother to his children.

On the way to the library, Ellie trips, casts spirit guardians, is bitten and dragged about 15 feet before the paladin Gideon comes from nowhere and sets her on her feet. Theo instantly tries to attack too and is also dragged before also, being set on his feet by Gideon. There is blood on his glaive. Gideon writes them a note in responds to questions, which says "Read this where it is silent."

Tasha casts silence in the library and the rest of the note is reveled. The town is being eaten by a False Hydra. The party is tired and not ready for a fight, so they make preparations to relearn the existence of the false hydra with notes and go back to the Fairburrow's house for the night.

The next day, Ellie gets a series of messages from Mattis which gives nonspecific information on the origins of the beast from the Great Before, the severity of its dangers to mortal minds. He tells them that Old Ones will handle it in time, but in the meantime, evacuate the town, even burn it to the ground if needs be. Mattis lists the members of the party he remembers which includes Ellie's "compatriot from the abbey, Darius."

They read the note they made with silence casted and work out ear plugs so they'll remember. They go to the basement of the library and invite Gideon to go with them. In the library, they discover that a wizard got the false hydra from "the realm of death." Hints of the false hydra's abilities are scattered through the notes including one suggesting that the wizard forgot a child who had lived with him as he was confused as why he found little boy clothes and toys. The notes say that the beast doesn't like light and fears fire. It mentions that the beast needs to be moved to the caverns under the town.

The party, plus Gideon, use a rope to go down into the wall and find a large hole down in the wall which leads to a cavern. In a large cavern, they find and fight the false hydra, killing it. Looking around, Gideon finds the Sword of Hagan and bag with the symbol of the Children of the Divine Mother. They find some notes and gold in the bag and there is also an assortment of different things. Theo takes one of the monster's head.

TDLR: There's a False Hydra in Tottenham. The party kills it and discovers they have forgotten a party member that no one remembers expect Old Ones.

Report Date
28 Mar 2022
Primary Location
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