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Shalom of Tenpolis

Prince Shalom

Shalom is the only child of Princess Crimson. His birth was a major scandal and his mother has refused to give the name of his father, although the most likely contender is Daniel of Remlow as Crimson was on the 2nd excursion to hunt the Shadow of Heartford Forest with him, there is some physical resemblance and Daniel has established a bond with the boy which includes teaching Shalom Ancient.


hemophilia, a blood disorder which causes excessive bleeding due to a lack of clotting agents in the blood. As such,

  Despite his restrictions, Shalom has proven to be a great talent and has a perfect memory. Would his mother allow it, he would study at one of Great Universities. He plays the violin, harpsicord and harp. His grandfather, King Randall III would be proud of him, if he were legitimate. As it currently stands, his accomplished are disparaged in favor of his cousins'.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has hemophilia, but is otherwise healthy and has never had a fever. He's relatively tall and thin for his age.

Facial Features

He is a handsome boy with large almond shaped eyes. He has his mother's ears and widow's peak. He shows the beginnings of an angular jaw and defined cheek bones

Mental characteristics


He has been taught by tutors in the Tenpolis Castle

Intellectual Characteristics

Shalom has a perfect memory and is quite clever

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He's good at math, history, languages and most intelligential pursuits. He is not good with practical matters and social skills.


Religious Views


Social Aptitude

He is polite and quiet. He lacks confidence with people, but knows he's smarter than most.

Wealth & Financial state

He his supported by his mother, who is supported by her father
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
1 Sanvis 8491
Year of Birth
8491 AG 8 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
His mother is unmarried and the identity of his father is unknown, but is the subject of much gossip
Baby Blue
Black with red streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
52 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Ancient

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