Mala Warly Settlement in LumenOrbis | World Anvil

Mala Warly

Mala Warly is one of the biggest re-settled ruins, it is located at the southern end of Vel Sarjin at the end of a tongue of land jutting out as a massive cliff. Originally the cliff seems to have reached even further but in the days of dark history part of the city fell into the ocean and was swallowed by the waves.   The Velarin have resettled Mala Warly about fifty years ago when groups from smaller settlements wandered south. Now it serves as a trading and meeting hub where Velarin like to exchange their ideas and inventions.


There are very few differences under the Velarin living in the city, elders of the race are generally regarded as persons who can be trusted in times of stress. Whilst the elders have permanent residences in the city, often inside the old buildings who could have been used by officials, the younger Velarin rarely choose a building for long, but some live in something equivalent to a flat share in which they tinker on their projects. Also, under the Velarin there is no concept of nobility. Those that possess a lot without sharing or helping are usually seen as stingy and egoistic.


The Velarin organize a meeting in one of the amphitheaters of the city where they discuss their problems and organize help for those that need it. They do not hesitate to offer their own resources to help a struggling fellow citizen. Altho they do react badly to someone committing a crime and criminals will be banished from the city by a vote of its population.


The city used to have defensive walls along the land tongue but something tore them down age ago and today only the final city wall is maintained as well as some towers from which archers are able to fire.


The new inhabitants have strengthened existing structures of the city but as the current population is far beneath the original many quarters are still abandoned. They cleaned out the pipes of the sewer and the canals feeding the water supply. In the main plaza, they also set up shops and bars. Additionally, they repaired some of the public bathing houses and repaired the stairs of the cliffside to the old harbor.


At an unknown point of its history the city came under attack by an unknown attacker, which decimated its defences and eradicated its population as well as most of the city. It is assumed that during this attack most of the city fell into the ocean. It is not know who lived there, as much as no one knows who build the statue of an angle resting at the bottom of the ocean in front of the cliffs.


Mala Warly us build on a land tongue that ends at a towering cliff which falls down into the deep ocean, whose ground is littered with remains of ruins and a buried, angelic statue. The tongue is bordered by cliffs and steep beaches. At the mouth of the tongue, the people of the city have made space for growing food and keeping their cattle.
Alternative Namen
The shattered Finger
Übergeordneter Ort


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Aug 26, 2018 01:57

This seems very bare-bones, and what little is here feels like stating the obvious. Going into detail about some of the more unique aspects would definitely spice up the article.

Aug 26, 2018 04:53

I agree with Reality Glitch, though the concept of an abandoned city being repopulated is interesting. I did spot a typo though:   "It is not know who lived there, as much as no one knows who build the statue of an angle resting at the bottom of the ocean in front of the cliffs."   Did you mean "angel"?

Aug 26, 2018 06:28

This article could use some polishing, seeing as there are a few grammar errors sprinkled here and there. I believe adding more details to this article could make it from an okay article into an excellent article! You’ve got an interesting premise, now all you gotta do is expand on it. Personally, I’d like to know a little more about those ruins, see if there’s any clue as to how they got destroyed.