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Dominated by dark, imposing spires and winding, cobblestone streets, Gravewatch exudes an atmosphere of quiet menace and ancient mystery. Its architecture is a blend of towering gothic structures, grim stone facades, and narrow alleyways that twist like a labyrinth, reflecting a history steeped in magic, necromancy, and secrecy. The city is perpetually shrouded in a heavy mist that clings to its rooftops and drifts through its streets, casting everything in shades of gray and silver. Lanterns flicker dimly at every corner, their light barely penetrating the fog, while spectral figures and robed scholars move between shadows, going about their business with hushed voices and careful steps.   At its heart lies the Ebon Academy, its dark towers rising above the city like a sentinel. Surrounding it, markets bustle with traders offering rare, arcane artifacts, enchanted items, and strange ingredients gathered from the nearby swamps and forests. Gravewatch is a city where the veil between life and death feels thin, a place where secrets are currency and the unknown is a constant companion.

Gravewatch Base Map Image

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