Bhonn Species in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Bhonns are very similar to humans. Although much shorter, they have the same basic body type. Their head is slightly larger than what would be considered normal on a human, as are their ears, which are rounded much like a human's. Their eyes are also large and rounded rather than almond-shaped.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bhonns reproduce sexually, the same way that humans do.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their large ears, Bhonns have excellent hearing. They use a skill much like echolocation and can build a picture of the world in their mind's eye. Their eyes, although colorless, are not blind. While they do not have what would be considered typical sight, they can see nonvisible spectrums, allowing them to see despite the pitch black of their home.
Scientific Name
Coloris Parvam Hominum
600 years
Average Height
3 ft
Average Weight
40 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Because they live in Fey Dhorha, they are essentially colorless. Their hair is white, their skin is white, and their eyes are all white, there is no iris.
Geographic Distribution

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