Fey Dhorha Geographic Location in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Fey Dhorha


Fey Dhorha is a sprawling underground realm. It lies beneath the continent of Mittlere, and is about half of its size. There are a variety of geographical features. This underground world lies very far down, and the roof of the caverns sprawls thousands of feet above the floor. There are deep, natural lakes, rolling hills, and even towering mountains. There is only one place with an exit to the outside world, and it is nestled in the Wervelkolom mountains on the surface. The path to this exit is treacherous, and generally only traversed by experienced travelers.  

Fauna & Flora

A vast ecosystem has grown up in Fey Dhorha, even without the advent of sunlight. Due to its location underground, it is quite warm, and also very wet, which facilitates the growth of many plants. There are a large number of fungi, many of them luminescent, towering trees filled with colorless leaves, and clinging vines populated with luminescent flowers. There are many plants, all similar to what grows on the surface, but also very different. There are many creatures that thrive on these plants, including the dominant sentient species the Bhonns.    

Natural Resources

Fey Dhorha is a land of darkness and shadow, and is thus the perfect location for Umbra Lapis to grow. It is found in pockets all over the area and is frequently harvested by the Bhonns. They use this resource to trade with the outside world for things that they cannot find underground.
Underground / Subterranean
Location under
Inhabiting Species

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