Livre Vivant Document in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Livre Vivant


The Livre Vivant is the complete guide to the magic of the healers. It was created when the magic was first discovered and has been continuously expanded as more has been learned. The aim of the text is to spread the knowledge of Guerison, the healing magic.

Document Structure


There are two main sections of the text. One instructs in the art of life, or healing, and the other instructs in the art of death. The book is further broken down from there into the more minute details of the instructions.

Historical Details


The Livre Vivant was written over centuries, millenia even. The book was begun by the very first pioneers into the healing arts. They documented what they learned in order to remember and to teach others. Over the years it has been expanded with new discoveries and is now a vast tome. The book, however, is not seen in its entirety by anyone other than those at the top of the Sauntay Community. It is kept under lock and key and is closely guarded. There are secrets within the book that would be dangerous if they got out. Instead, pieces of the document have been transcribed and are used to train new healers. The darker aspects of the power, the power of death, are taught to a select few and those passages of the book have never been transcribed.
Text, Religious

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