Neigeux Settlement in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Neigeux is the home of the healers. A number of different races live here. It was built for the purpose of training in Guerison, so it was never the home to any specific race. The village is located up in a valley in the middle of the Dechiquette Mountains.


Neigeux is run by the leaders of the Santay Community, the healer's order. They oversee the village and keep everything running as it should.


The mountains provide a natural defense for the settlement, so there are no additional safety measures.

Natural Resources

Neigeux's main resource is the moonflower, Orluna. It is grown and harvested in large quantities for the healers to use around the world. It is a winter flower, and blooms year-round in the Dechiquette Mountains. This is one of the reasons that the settlement is located there.
Founding Date
440 AP
Location under
Owning Organization

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