Vrijeme Organization in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Vrijeme is the worship of the goddess of weather, Olujia the Storm Mother.

Divine Origins

Since the dawn of time, there have been those who have looked to the Olujia the Storm Mother for favorable weather. However, it wasn't until years later that the goddess was given a name and began to be actively worshipped. The core tenets of the religion vary depending on where you go and who you ask. The traditions of worship and gaining power are passed down mostly orally, so over the years, the beliefs have shifted and changed.


Most worshippers of Olujia the Storm Mother do so in relative private. There are scattered shrines, but mostly she is worshipped in the home. Prayers for help and thanking for good weather are most often the paths taken to show devotion and worship. Many have shrines of their own in their homes, which are said to increase the power of your prayer and help the goddess to hear your pleas.

Granted Divine Powers

Some worshippers, although not many, are granted a portion of the power of Olujia the Storm Mother. They can control various aspects of weather.
Religious, Organised Religion

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