The Ruler of Weather Myth in Lunautta | World Anvil
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The Ruler of Weather


There was a time when Lunautta seemed to wish to rid itself of the beings living upon it, throwing tempests and storms that caused much destruction. A slight young woman braved the storm, calling upon the goddess for relief. She was granted power greater than she ever imagined, the gift of Vrijeme.

Historical Basis

Although there is no agreement on who this was or when this event happened, it is rooted in fact. Someone was the first to receive the gift from Olujia the Storm Mother. The story exaggerates a little, of course. It is possible that she wasn't braving the storm at all but just happened to be caught out in it. Either way, a young woman of unknown origin was the first to receive the gift of controlling the weather when she was struck by lightning during a storm.


This myth is widely spread. Nearly every culture in the world, even those who do not worship Olujia the Storm Mother, have heard this story.
Telling / Prose
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