Lunautta The Creation
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The Creation



Life on Lunautta was created.

The creation of Lunautta began with a blank planet. Lunautta was created by Deusole the Sun Father. When he finished the construction of the planet and the eight moons surrounding it, he gave them to his children to do what they wished with them. Each moon was given to a god/goddess. They changed and personalized the moon to be their home. Afterward, the eight children split the planet up and claimed a part of it to watch over. Soon, creatures of all kinds populated Lunautta, and the world had been infused with bits of magic from each god/goddess. For the most part, each god/goddess watched over their part of the planet and left the rest well enough alone, but sometimes, some of them overstepped their boundaries and put influence in other places. The most common culprit was Virum the Trickster.

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