Lunautta Geographic Location in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Deusole is the father of the moon deities. He is the creator of Lunautta and the solar system in which it resides. When he forged the planet, he left it barren and uninhabited and gave it over to his children to give it life and nurture it. Each of the eight deities was given one of the planet's moons to call home and do with it what they wished. Each of them built their moons to be paradise for themselves and for the spirits of the dead whom they would choose to bring there. Then they crafted and built up the world, bringing to life many creatures and beautiful places. There were also many dark places and horrifying monsters. Once the flora and fauna of the planet were finished, they began to infuse the world with their power. Many of the sentient creatures on the planet found the power and began to wield it with varying degrees of success. That magic shaped Lunautta for good and also for evil. The world was full of both. As the ages passed, the world grew and the power grew with it. Lunautta of the current era is far different than the Lunautta of the past, but the basic pull between good and evil is always the same.  



  • Lunautta
    This is the world map for the entire planet of Lunautta.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Bing AI

Novae Terrae

... 999

This is the era of the creation of Lunautta.

Tempus Portals

4760 5289

This is the era after the portals began to be created.

  • 1 TP

    The First Portal
    Era beginning/end

    The first portal in Lunautta was created in Keskus.

  • 15 TP

    The Mustekala Schism
    Political event

    During this time, the Mustekala split into two separate factions: the sea-dwellers and the land-dwellers.

  • 32 TP

    The Exodus of the Mustekala
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Mustekala discovered the ability to levitate their island, and fly it around the world.

    More reading

Post Lunam

5290 6289

This era began when The Missing Moon disappeared from the sky.

  • 1 PL

    The Disappearing Moon

    The Missing Moon disappeared from the sky.

    More reading
    The Missing Moon
  • 1 PL

    15 PL

    Maaginen Rutto - The Magical Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    Around the time when the The Missing Moon disappeared, a magical plague began to overtake the land, severely limiting the world's access to magic.


Nova Luna

6290 and beyond

This is the current era. The missing moon reappeared in the sky.


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