Lonely River Geographic Location in Luuxinor | World Anvil
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Lonely River

The Lonely River and its surrounding area are unclaimed wilderness, and the river's moniker is completely unofficial. Because no nation or city has settled any part of the river or its area, it has never been given an official name, and explorers from various cultures have given it different names over time. The most widely recognized nickname is the Lonely River, but other people call it the Unnamed River, the Dragon River, or the Nowhere River. The lake that serves as the source of the river is likewise unnamed, and the same nicknames apply to that lake as well.   The area has remained unsettled for the entirety of Luuxinor's history simply because it falls in between the territories of several different dragons. There is a black dragon that lurks in the western portion of the Tralizza Marsh, two different blue dragons in the al-Sahra Desert, a bronze (or some accounts claim gold) dragon in the unnamed lake, and at least two different dragons (believed to be red and/or copper) in the mountains nearby. The people that inhabit the settlements of the Sahra'ard live under constant fear of these dragons - and specifically in fealty to the two blue dragons of the desert. The open wilderness between these areas tends to be a battleground for the dragons, with the landscapes scarred by fire, acid, lightning, and other supernatural effects. Merchants travel through this area with light carts and fast horses, making the desert settlements mostly self-sufficient since they cannot rely on trade coming from foreign areas.


The unnamed river has its source in an also-unnamed lake to the south, which is nestled in a mountain basin and fed by snow-melt from the peaks. This lake and its surrounding areas feature fairly temperate climates, and the lake itself is fairly deep. The river flows northward and has cut a small valley into the ground over the centuries. The land on either side of this river is fertile and would make great farming land if not for the constant threat of dragon attack. The river forms sort of a bayou where it meets the marsh near the coast, with the river delta in the Gulf of Tralizza featuring many swamp-like plants and animals.   The peaks to the north of the unnamed lake make up the foothills of the Northwestern Mountains, while the higher peaks to the west and south form the backbone of the range. The streams and caverns that exist in the mountains make it a peaceful wilderness area, though again the near-constant threat of dragons prevents most people from even attempting to traverse this region. The fertile swath of land to the west of the river exists in a very narrow band - no more than twenty miles wide at its widest - before it meets the al-Sahra Desert and its unforgiving, arid climate.

Fauna & Flora

The river and its surrounding area are home to thriving communities of various wildlife and beasts. The dragons tend not to overfeed, and their predation habits leave little food for other land-based beasts of prey. The river and lake are home to freshwater crocodiles, and the marsh has its share of dangerous critters as well. The desert to the west is barren, featuring plant and animal life typical of arid climates, with very few species adapted to moving back and forth from the fertile lands of the river and its valley.


There are vague historical mentions of old settlements in this area of the world, founded in the earliest days of Luuxinor. At some point, at least one dragon set up a lair in the region and started terrorizing the settlements. While some people stayed and tried to adapt, the towns were eventually destoryed when other dragons also moved into the area. All records indicate that these towns were demolished at least in the eighth century if not before. The merchants and adventurers that pass through this area today still stumble across remnants of these early towns, and at least some of the ruins serve as outposts for the dragons, populated by kobolds or other vassals. Not much else is known about the area - the danger of the dragons has kept people from trying to settle the area, and even passing through is a perilous prospect for most.

World Map
Alternative Name(s)
Unnamed River, Dragon River, Nowhere River,


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