
Bludheim is a city built on the southeast mountainous cliffside of Hlandaheim. It is ruled by Yarl Yrsa The She Bear, a cruel and ruthless leader.     The city itself is built near a fjord with the city being built at the top of the cliff. The main attraction to this town is an enormous cliff face that bears a remarkably large head shaped extension with a gaping mouth. The Dwarves of this area believe that this is a spirit of an old being and worship it as such, making offerings of gemstones, gold, treasures, animals, and sometimes humanoids.   Atop this side of the cliff is a temple that is dedicated to the worship of this figure. A bridge extends outward with an end that stops directly at the open mouth of the head. During days of ceremonies the leaders will stand on this bridge and offer their sacrifice, with bleacher like seating at the base of the bridge closest to the temple. Two bridges extend just to the left and right of the temple built on strange protrudings from the cliff for support. Citizens are encouraged to stand on the bridge and witness the ceremonies.   These Dwarves are a tight knit community that do not devoutly follow the normal Dwarven gods. They do not stop worship of them, but will prohibit the spreading of the words of another god or speaking ill of Bludheim or it's leader. Doing so can lead to the sacrifice of the individual in question.