Grace The Fallen

Title Origins



The name Gracemother was given because of her involvement of the creation of Lyorion. All Godborn races of Lyorion know her as Gracemother and majority will refer to her as this.  

The Fallen God

During the end of the Draconis war word began to spread of Grace's actions upon Zenith, having started a war pitting the angels against each other and attempting to split the gods allegiance. Additionally it is believed that all of her followers have been working to convert the other believers to their fiendish cause, causing havoc and distrust in the church. Beginning within Hammerfall and quickly spreading throughout all nations have decreed that openly following Grace is outlawed and will be punishable by death.  

Weaver of Life or Weavii

An alternative title and name to Gracemother is Weavii or Weaver of Life. This title was used by the other Deities and their angels for her ability with creation. Her reputation and fame for the ability to create Lyorion quickly spread across all Zenith. 




Divine Domains

Creation, Death, Fire, Passion, Healing, Destruction

Holy Symbol

Divine Classification