Heir The God of Gods

The Arch-Paladin

God of Gods Heir earned this title by taking the claim of being the leader amongst the other deities, and all their angels. This title is among the highest any being would be able to achieve and obtain.

The Zealous Sword

  Heir is known to be very courageous and determined in his efforts. The title Zealous Sword is given to the title of his army of angels, known as the Swords of Valor, whom he hand trained himself before ascending to his current title. It was with their efforts that he was able to overthrow the tyrannical ruler of old and claim his rightful place.  

Paladin Archon, Arc-Paladin or Arch-Paladin

Both terms are used interchangeable in reference to the god. The use of the term arc is for his affinity to lightning and the ability to arc from his hands. Arch-Paladin is the more common and formal term joining the words Archon and Paladin together, used in meaning to show his place among the other Paladin Angels, and his rule of Zenith.       Worshippers  


Divine Domains

War, Zeal, Might, Lightning, Protection, Duty

Holy Symbol

Divine Classification
Current Location