
Nogmi are a species of short statured and smaller frames and many feature a unique and quirky personality when viewed from the outside. Fiesty, loud, rude, and ooh shiny! The Nogmi are quick to build and develop new technology and inventions, but are also quick to outgrow and stop their previous invention. They may have a favorite weapon that they use and be mid battle when a new weapon strikes their fancy and they stop to demand, steal, buy, or bribe another's weapon. They are also seen as rude or unempathetic as many of their people do not hold their tongue and instead speak what is directly on their mind.  



Average Life Cycle

Teen 15-25
Young Adult 25-50
Middle Age - 50-100
Elder 100-120
Most Nogmi do not make it past middle age, unles they are nobility or non-mining/engineering/crafting  

Religion And Traditions

The Nogmi people focus their efforts into one of two values. The study of knowledge and the love of the land, these qualities are in direct relation to the two deities they worship. Roykin, the god of knowledge, imparts new inventions and technological expanses upon their people. While Nahlia, Goddess of nature and the sun, grants varied flora, fauna and bountiful harvests. Followers of Roykin are known as "The Kin" Followers of Nahlia are known as "The Blessed"

Civilization and Culture


The Nogmi people were once a larger populous that expanded a long running forest. During The Cleaving the Nogmi city of Daco was said to have lost many of its denizens partially to the land that had split and the rest were lost to the rising water levels.