
Located on the north eastern edge of Dwarv territory and is on the border of the Verglas Province. Norstrom were avid believers in the Dwarven lifestyle, believing the strong rule and survive, while the weak will suffer and perish. This belief has led to differences between the Norstrom tribe and the Dwarv of Stoneheim, whom are working to evolve from the barbaric tribal lifestyle they once lived. 
This tribe willfully progressed north and into harsher lands, to show their strength. The reason they chose this area, was due to the circumstance of finding a cave that on the other side led to a small portion of land that was void of the cold weather, and had more intesne sunlight hitting this specific area. Allowing crops to be grown here, this knowledge is only kept to the locals, and outsiders do not know. Many years ago a small batallion ventured into Verglas to seek new resources, adventures, and a new settlement to call home. The land itself was mostly uninhabitable, and the group never made their way back. Recently, those whom hunt near the area of the Crystal Cave, have begun to see sightings of what appears to be strange Dwarv whose skin was abnormal and blue in tint coming from the caves. These Dwarv have been dubbed Haugundir. Haugundir / Haugresir- The Dwarv whom have risen from below the ground.
  Known Individuals:
Thulgrim Widowmaker is the current leader of the Norstrom tribe
Boaris Bloodfeaster