
Revna The Wartooth - Leader   Revnastad: After the Draconis war and with the new found freedom of this settlement, the settlers wanted to steer away from the mines and war efforts. Those who wanted to prove their might and worth for Balthizar. With the majority of the Vengr out of the city to rebuild and protect Stonehiem, this left a plethora of resources for The Knights of Devine who was gifted the settlement by Arakus The Mighty. Arakus wanted to show his gratitude towards Alro and everyone that aided in the freedom of his people. The Knights settled the lands to use it as a training ground in mountain warfare and cold weather training. This unity formed the first brædralag (brotherhood) outside of the Dwarv, this agreement was called the Vön Brædralag (Brotherhood of Hope) in which Arlo and Arakus would send their people to train with each other to strengthen the two groups. A group of Koli followers called Skagga Lið (Shadow Flock) has taken up shelter within the mines to build shrines and alters in honor of the shadow god. They believe there are ways harvest and manipulate shadow and darkness for magical means. It is rumored that Skagga Lið were the ones who invented the first means of Celestial Navigation. They used shadow and mana to form into a monocle which allowed them to see light through fog, mist, clouds and smoke. This allowed them to navigate by stars in any weather conditions.   Place: Hörgr Zenir (God Alter or Alter of the Gods) Revnastad is soughtout by high ranking military leaders and warriors to visit this Alter for its ability to visit the fall and past Warriors. The locals of this area believe that that all who die become a bright star in the sky. It is believed that Koli places the light of Luna and Mani into the souls of those who pass and allow them to guide others down the Skali River to the gates of Zarhallah. It is a large Alter made of cairns of large stone were placed in a circle to create the alter. Black mana stones with orange floating mana sit atop of the 20 ft cairns which aluminate the same purple aura used in the monocles for navigation. Regardless of weather conditions, this allows the starts to always be seen.   Thing: Himinn Vǫrðr (Sky Gaurdian) The device created created seek the stars. Those not of Dwarv heritage commonly call this a compass.   æfintýr (Adventure) or commonly known as the daydream berry. This is the berry given to the Dwarv during their spiritual journeys into adulthood.  adventure berry - this berry grows in harsh climates. the effects cause you to witness events in a third person, believing these dreams to be visions of the future. Upon returning they tell their story to the elders who give them a surname, if they can remember. Eating too many berries can cause adverse effects, death, illness, insanity. Those who do not die from it are changed and become oracles.  Person(s): Ellika and Ulla   Ellika Skagga móðir (Shadow Mother)     Ulla The Fire Bender