
When this small settlement located on a small island, along the Caranora river. It was founded as a means for safe travel between Davenport and Lunaris to allow travelers and merchants to be protected from the various creatures located in the area. The island is built between two pieces of land connected by bridges, and features Elfar treetop buildings along the perimiter.  The bridges are equipped with failsafe's that allow the bottoms to give out, dropping those on it into the river and down the waterfall. This is only used in the event of an attack that is not blocked by other means.   Exports Unique meats, trinkets, and other various pieces they are able to use from them. This makes the area an interest for merchants and travelers to witness and taste these unique features.   The islands defensive features makes the settlement an excellent stop before completing the travel to Lunaris and Davenport. Often times you are able to find well equipped indivduals who will give you safe passage. Donations to the local guards or travelling convoys is encouraged while not required, those who do not tip may not be treated as well as those who do.   Every morning at 9am two convoys leave Stagwood, one leaves in the direction of Davenport the other Lunaris. The next day a second group of convoys leave, having one convoy always leaving every day. A secondary group waits for those who miss the first orgs leaving, and charges double the price for every seat to make the travel themselves.