Traverse Crossing

A neutral piece of land that was used as a meeting spot for trade amongst all the races. Most of the trade was moved to Bamor with the increase in criminal activity. In later years Traverse Crossing is used as a small village with high inn and tavern activity. Most people who stop here stop for a nights rest from their travels.
  Traverse Crossing is the small township that sits almost in the dead center of Shularix. For this reason it became a natural trade center, an unspoken law of neutral land for all the races. Most of Shularixs' raw goods and materials pass thru here at some point on their way to the coastal cities' trade ports.
  This trade hub has started seeing more permanent settlements as of late. Largely in part of the influx of raw mining materials coming from the west, thus providing more reliable trade opportunities. Wealthy traders are able to offer decent wages for workers and hired protection has become essential. This also provides a need for more structured trade, so traders are hiring builders as well to construct more secure locations for larger and more lucrative trade deals. With all of this going on, the crown has begun to send more representatives to evaluate to amount of commerce and begin preparations for a more comprehensive taxation plan.
  With what some might call a sudden rapid development, the town has not only attracted eager traders looking to cash in on the new developing economy. So too has the criminal elements and subversive forces. Some looking to catch a lucky pay day on the newly rising and poorly managed trade practices, due to quick growth and expansion. Others however have been attracted to the chaotic town for more disruptive purposes from the lack of law enforcement. This new frontier of larger trade that transcends race serves as a haven for someone regardless of who they are, to make something of themselves. Because at this time, at least, the only concern is gold.