
Main construction site for MECH technology A Nogmin town located at the foothills of the highest mountain range. A small mountain exists very close to Wortox that the Nogmin use to mine a specialized silver that is used in the construction of mech technology. Wortox is one of the main sites where the Nogmin build and test new technology, many of their homes have been built underground during the years of the Draconis and Hassien war as a defensive measure to prevent the eyes of those above the land or in the sky to know their exact locations. Offering them a deceptive location for guerilla tactics if necessary, though most avoid full scale battles themselves they enjoy the drunk brawl often. The close proximity to the small mountain range to the west has allowed small amounts of Dwarves and Gnomes to work together in creating new technology. Nogmi using their engineering feats combined with the Dwarves effectiveness with smithing and mining. It was here that the Gnomes began work on what they referred to as "tech" soon to be renamed to "mech" when magic was added to enhance the technological breakthroughs.   Government: The town itself is ran by the EGGS group. Working directly under the law of Daco. There exists three leaders of EGGS who work in conjunction together to oversee projects. Population: 90% Gnomes, 8% Dwarves, 1% Hume, 1% Zhor   Languages: Gnomish, Common   Religions:   Threats: During the Draconis war this mountainous area was at constant threat of Draconis attack, residual Draconis that follow Demirith and Syrussul still live in this area and frequent the outskirts of the town looking for a meal or treasures.   Imports:   Exports:   Factions/Guilds: Engineering Group of Great Satisfaction (EGGS) A Nogmin group that focus all efforts into pursuing new technological and structural feats. It was this group that designed many of the homes of Daco as well as created Guns.   Other Characteristics: The city itself was not very close nit. Many of the homes of the burrow was built into cliff sides, hill sides and in any burrowed place the Nogmin could find to call home. The other half of the city was built along a beach and a small portion into the mountains nearby.   Significant NPCs: Nesryn - EGGS Leader 1: Creative - The brains behind most new inventions. Works directly with all members of the group to create new wonders
Prindela Lumbersock - EGGS Leader 2: Distribution - Spreads the information to the other Gnomish settlements to not keep the information solely in one place
Yivet Willnook   - EGGS Leader 3: Implementation - Works with the members of EGGS in implementing new technology into the Gnomish culture   Other NPCs:   Significant Locations: Standard Garrison of Great Engineers - This large underground structure is built into the mountains near Wortox. It is here that many of the members of EGGS work to create the next technological wonders. One section of this has been destroyed due in part to the Nogmin working with the creation of the new "Gun" technology causing an explosion. Since this first happened the Nogmin have been more careful with this new tech and have led to greater strides in fortification.


The Wasteyard is a junkyard home to much of the broken, unusable, or abandoned technology that was able to be moved. It's existence is known to many of the people with the Nogmin Republic but few ever travel or visit there. It is quite commond that the abandoned tech is unstable and susceptible to explosions, leading to only desperate thieves from Traverse Crossing making an attempt for anything that may be lucrative within. But anyone traveling to Wortox may pay the outskirts a visit to see the visions of things that could have been.


The city is located at the foothills of the Smoldering Mountains, the ocean and a riverway heading east through Shularix. Giving it a very advantageous location for resources and trade.
Owning Organization