
Government: Matriarchy Zhor have no kings. The queen chooses best producer of offspring to mate with and may have multiple offspring by different fathers. A prince if born, is the military leader   Call themselves a variation of Zhor based on where they are from and their role in society.
Zhordahni - Mother Zhord, Oakleana
Zhornithians - Sons of the Zhordahni
Zhornians - Male Generals and Military leaders. These Zhor do not live on the traveling turtle settlements and instead live on the land so they may always be there to defend the turtles and their people.
 -  Zhors - Those of Zhord
Zhornites - Soldiers
Zhornification - One who takes on the Zhor lifestyle. Or Someone who stays in Zhor for more than 4 weeks, 5 days, 1 minute, and 3.14 seconds
Zhorish - People who visit Zhord and stay for more than 62 hours 23 minutes and 88 seconds.
Zhornings - People who visit Zhord and stay for less than a Zhoray.
Zhoray - One Zhord Day 28 hours, 15 minutes, and half a second.
  The Zhor people began as remnants of the Bluefield catastrophe, originally started by Dahni to focus more on the natural development of the world instead of the technological developments that Daco revolutionized. While they do not hold any animosity towards the Nogmin Republic they see the use of technology as a loss on their self-development. They have use the Bluefield desert as a means to harvest mana stones as a way of teaching the importance of channeling its magic through ones self to learn and grow.   The Dahni leads a no-bullshit vision on her people. Seeing someone who breaks laws, inflicts un provoked harm, or acts against Zhord or its people, as someone who will not be tolerated. That person will then be exiled from Zhord, or even maimed or killed in a direct response.   During the Draconis War when the Dragon Demirith attacked Bluefield. The surviovors of bluefield and founders of Zhord would travel back to seek survivors. These survivors found turtle eggs that had hatched with shards of a mana stone embedded into them. These turtles quickly grew in size, and within 1 years time they were massive and had begun to grow the same Bluefield flowers used for creating healing potions. The Zhor soon began to realize they can live on these turtles and eventually they grew the settlements onto the turtles and eventually they would use them to constantly travel around the rivers. Only coming back to their central Zhord location during winter months when the turtles will sleep for 150 days.   Zhordahni Oakleana - Mother Zhord Rauk'nie Elrora - Pinnacle Elfar seeking to begin a college of magic Vinely Growthenfar, Serenity - Very powerful natural magic influencer, a very large fan of Mephis Nut.