
Alchemy has existed in some for or another for as long as anyone knows but the definition has been expanded since the arrival. Alchemy, sometimes referred to as True Alchemy, now applies to anything manipulating natural processes with magic to create new magically enhanced natural processes.    There are three major branches of alchemy: Mixing - This refers to old alchemy, where you would mix various ingredients in a specific way to cause their inherent magical properties to combine to form more potent or new effects.  Splicing - This refers to integrating a part or trait from one thing into another. Very often it requires magic to stabilize the process.  Guided Breeding -  This refers to breeding creatures in a specific way so that the next generation is different from the last. Magic is often used to help force or surpress certain traits so that is not completely up to nature's whim.    Using these three branches in various combinations have allowed the alchemists of Nesh Tel' All to create some remarkable effects that traditional magic and Magitek cannot easily emulate.


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