Church of The Saviors

The Church of the Saviors is divided up into three ministries, Mediation, Welfare, and Orthodoxy. Each ministry has its own mandates, hierarchy, and tower on church grounds. At the top of each ministry is an archbishop, above them are the twelve cardinals, and above them is the Pope who is the final authority on everything. Archbishops are appointed by the Pope. Cardinals are appointed by majority vote of the archbishops, but there needs to be four from each ministry at all times. And finally the Pope is appointed by the cardinals with a two thirds majority.   Ministry of Welfare's mandate is to do the most good for the most people. Low ranking clergy often travel from town to town healing or helping however they can. Violence against humanoids is always a last resort and some even go as far as to be complete pacifists. They are denoted by a brass badge.   Ministry of Mediation's mandate is to help the world maintain order. This can anything from being a neutral party in negotiations, to assisting local law enforcement deal with bandits, to something as simple as being a witness to an agreement between two so they can hold each other accountable. Most low ranking clergy tend to be assigned to specific cities or town to fulfill their duty, but the more competent ones are assigned to be travelers. Travelers are given a lot of autonomy and expected to travel looking for injustices to right. Mediation clergy are denoted by iron badges and travelers have steel badges.   Ministry of Orthodoxy's mandate is the broadest by far. They are to protect the integrity of Saviorism. It is broad and vague by design. They fill this role by researching divinity, policing the church as a whole, and fanatically hunting heretics. Each group is denoted by its own black badge. Researchers badge's are made of obsidian, the policing faction have jet badges, and hunters wear black adamantine badges.   The general populace has a pretty positive view of the Ministries of Welfare and Mediation. They feel very differently about the Ministry of Orthodoxy. Most people outside of the church only ever interact with the heretic hunters, and they tend to be universally bad experiences. They are borderline fanatical in their hunt and their broad powers gives them an end justifies the means mentality. Some have been known to raze entire villages because there was one heretic among them. Most are more ruthless than brutal but it only takes a couple gruesome stories exaggerate their image. People commonly call them reapers and they do little to dissuade people of these opinions.


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