
Saviorism is the religion surrounding the three gods that saved the people of Lyth Dar from their old dying world. Those gods are Mais'Ur, Lothrain, and Ozmadon. The general tenets and practices of Saviorism are pulled from prayers and rituals that were used in the old world to worship them with a few tweaks. In the old world these three, often called the Triad, were generally at odds with each other but some great calamity caused them to band together and flee. It is not clear why they chose the mortals they did. None of them were particularly pious and none of them actually worshiped any of the triad.   The religion states the people were chosen because they were worthy of the opportunity to build a new world unsullied by mortal hands. It also states that every person was chosen for a specific reason. That may be because they had a specific task to perform or because one of their descendants would be important.   Saviorism is different than the religions of the old world in that it does not believe the gods have an active hand in influencing events. It claims they already set everything into motion by the people they chose to save. They now only protect this world from external threats like jealous gods or spiteful greater evils.   The clergy of the Church of The Saviors are the sole authority of religion in the world.


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