The Bellevillian Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Bellevillian

The Bellevillian people find their origin in the Belle-runi clan of the far north. The Belle-runi were one of the original clans of Valdir, even older than most of the originals. The Bellevillian split from The Runi during later years, as the Runi crossed the Hashar southward and the Bellevillian stayed north. The Bellevillian people are a people slowly evolved from clan culture to a semi-feudal republic. They kept their values and traditions through the changes. The only big difference between the clan and republic societies was permanent settlement. Due to the sparsely populated nature of their clan Bellevil enjoys the landmass of an empire as a republic despite the administrative restrictions of such an expanse.


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