The Levnakhi Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Levnakhi

The Levnakhi are one of the most natural colonial peoples. They originate as a cross between The Avorah and The Sceirhan, slowly developing over time from the crossmarrying of those two peoples. The Levnakhi eventually rose up, with their Sceirhan counterparts, against the Avorah. In their revolution (one of the bloodiest revolutions in M’jørf) the Levnakhi lost nearly two thirds of their population. The war-tactics of the Levnakhi echoed their culture; an eye for an eye. The Sceirhan lost even more men, nearly eighty percent of their populace was cleared in the rebellion. After the Avorah had been forced out of Venasahn, the Sceirhan took the coast and the Levnakhi took the desert-inland. To ensure the permanent expulsion of the Avorah, the Levankhi lent mercenaries to the Sceirhan ports. This support and trust created a lasting bond between the Sceirhan and Levnakhi, a bond far deeper than the Sceirhan and their other colonised cousins.


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