The Avorah Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Avorah

The Avorah are one of the original clans of Valdir. They are a people split over two nations; where the Uxavia-Avorah have clung long to the clan-past of the Avorah, the Avoxia-Avorah advanced quickly into feudalism. The Kingdom of Avoxia is the bigger nation of the two, with a bigger populace and more technological advancement. The Uxavia-Avorah, recently converted to feudalism, cling more to their traditions, morals and origins. In big parts of The Duchy of Uxavia, tribes still roam the land. In Avoxia, the Avorah have focused their efforts instead on great projects of irrigation and defense, such as aqueducts and castles. Additionally they colonised the region of Levnakh in Venasahn, leading to The Levnakhi. Despite casual animosity between the nations of Avoxia and Uxavia, the Avorah gather once a year in a contest of sports, ripe with festivities.

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