The North-Kronian Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The North-Kronian

The Kronian of North Kronia are virtually identical to The Kronian of The First Kingdom of the Blue Kroon. While there are some differences between North-Kronian and Kronian, these differences have mostly come about after the Rebellion of North Kronia. After the Blue Kroon settled north of the Strait of Blue Kroon, they focused their efforts on trade and forgot about the region. The Kronian to the north were angered by the neglect and saw their region slipping more and more into disrepair. The North-Kronian rebelled and set up a Duchy for themselves. In comparison to their Blue-Kronian counterparts, the North-Kronian are rather elitist and seclusive. With good reason as well; after the rebellion the North-Kronian economy sky-rocketed and theirs is one of the wealthiest countries in M’jørf.


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