The First Kingdom of the Blue Kroon Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The First Kingdom of the Blue Kroon

The First Kingdom

The First Kingdom of the Blue Kroon is a kingdom on both the Island of Jøvikka and Venasahn bisected by the Strait of Blue Kroon. The capital of the Kingdom of the Blue Kroon is Businothes. Their national animal is the wolf. The citizens of the Blue Kroon are Kronian. The ruling dynasty of the Blue Kroon are the Lauren-Belfort. Their titles include King of the Blue Kroon, Lord of Businothes, General of the Pincer-Crossing and Admiral of the Grey Sails. Their current sovereign is the King Jop I Lauren-Belfort.

The Flag

The flag depicts a silver lobster on a blue field. The pincers of the lobster signify the two-pronged attack of the Fleet of Blue Kroon while the blue homages the seas and the importance of the sea to the livelihood of the Kronian people.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of the Blue Kroon
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Jorvik Pennies


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