The Wa'jari Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Wa'jari

The Wa’jari are descended from one of the seven original civilisations of Venasahn. They inhabited the great inland wastes north of the Na’zon. Nowadays the Empire of Wa’jar covers most of the land north-west of the Oasis. In the north lay the Mèdhin Mountains and with them most of the lush forests. Only a short strip along the Na’zon delta provides the Wa’jari with the rest of their fertile land. The Wa’jari are, however, well adapted to the situation. They are a desert people and their network of minor oases and desert springs provide the populace with all they require. In the middle of the Wa’jari desert the city of Fa’jan rises high over the skyline. Its hundred towers cast a wondrous silhouette in the desert sunset.

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