Treaty of Oudzdam Document in M'jørf | World Anvil
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Treaty of Oudzdam

The following document stipulates the bilateral agreement of the secession of the Crown Republic of Prinsdam from the High Kingdom of Ahswar. Herein the nations of Ahswar and Prinsdam declare an end to the vassalisation of Prinsdam. A promise of non-aggression is incorporated in this treaty lasting for the duration of 12 years and 3 months. Any notions of war between both sovereign entities are hereby dispelled unto such time.
Furthermore the governments of both nations accept the following as terms for their peace;
  1. The sovereign of the High Kingdom of Ahswar cedes control of the territories under the Princely Crown of Prinsdam to the sovereign of the Crown Republic of Prinsdam.
  2. The High Kingdom of Ahswar pays a sum of 20,000 Ahswari Ðrag in reparation for any and all misfortunes become under their reign over Prinsdam.
Grounds for termination of this treaty are as follows;
  1. If the High Kingdom of Ahswar defaults on its reparations.
  2. If either party resumes hostilities of a physical nature within the duration of the promise of non-aggression.
  3. If a dragon expresses wishes to the contrary of this treaty.
  Signed,   Norah I Aldenwehr
As sovereign of
The High Kingdom of Ahswar     Elise I Ärzheim
As sovereign of
The Crown Republic of Prinsdam     Signed in Oudzdam, on the 2nd of Osamb in the Year of the Beginning
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
18th Aðar 1 KA
Ratification Date
2nd Osamb 1 KA
Expiration Date
2nd Aralik 13 KA


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