The Crown Republic of Prinsdam Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Crown Republic of Prinsdam

The Crown Republic

The Crown Republic of Prinsdam is a republic to the north of the Mèdhin Mountains. The capital of the Republic of Prinsdam is Oudzdam. Their national animal is the lion. The citizens of Prinsdam are Ahswari. The constatutionally ruling dynasty of Prinsdam are the Ärzheim. The titles of their sovereign include Prince of Prinsdam, Counsel to the Parliament, Lord-de-Jure of Oudzdam and Voice of Ahswar. Their current sovereign is the Princex Elise I Ärzheim.

The Flag

The flag of Prinsdam retains much from its colonial flag under Ahswar. The orange symbolised the dawn of a new age on the continent of Venasahn. The white symbolised the pure and virgin nature of the settlers of the colony. And the light blue symbolised the sea that connected the two parts of the Kingdom of Ahswar. After a short and almost peaceful rebellion the people of Prinsdam were given greater autonomy but during the rebellion the Governor of Prinsdam was taken prisoner and the red sash that was his signature was attached over the old flag, marking the point where Prinsdam took power for itself. In a later referendum Prinsdam gained full independence and officially adopted the colonial flag as its state/sovereign flag.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Republic of Prinsdam
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Prinsdammer Ðrag

  • 1 KA

    2 Osamb

    Prinsdam gains independence from Ahswar

    On the 2nd of Osamb the Crown Republic of Prinsdam and the High Kingdom of Ahswar signed the Treaty of Oudzdam to finalise the independence of Prinsdam from the Ahswari crown. The Crown Republic of Prinsdam is now a free and sovereign nation.

    More reading
    Treaty of Oudzdam
  • 1 KA

    19 Novobar

    Death of the Princess of Prinsdam
    Life, Death

    We regret to inform you that on the 19th of Novobar, Princess Aleda has passed. Aleda Ärzheim was 21 when she passed. Princess Aleda will be mourned by the great people of Prinsdam. Our deepest condolences.

  • 2 KA

    8 Janvier


    Today, 8th of Janvier, thousands of peasants have taken to the streets of Grenzwacht. They demand that you lower the taxes in the republic.
    Princex Elise I of House Ärzheim folded to the peasant's demands.


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