

Cyrus is a Phase 1 Nanotype that was created by Neuronet. He was originally a human volunteer however after the experiments began it became clear that the company wouldn't just let him go.
Cyrus broke out of the facility he was held in, along with Iris and Nexus. While reluctant, he also helped with breaking out more Nanotypes.   After the Artica Research Centres were takeover by Osira and other nanotypes in 2571 nb, Cyrus chose to join them with the war efforts.   His nanobots have given him slightly increased physical strength, and allows him to camoflague with his surroundings.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Cyrus wears a grey coat and trousers with a purple shirt and boots. He also wears a beanie he took from security at the Neuronet facility as well as a bullet-proof vest occasionally.

Mental characteristics

Education & Employment

Cyrus had average grades in school and took up working in warehouses. He volunteered with Neuronet as he found it to be an opportunity to get a lot of extra money.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Courageous - Cyrus is mostly undeterred in getting involved with dangerous things, though he's not stupid about it.
  • Honest - Cyrus usually says what he thinks, and finds avoiding answers or lying to be shady.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Short-tempered - Cyrus get easily annoyed over things and is impatient, leading him to get mad at other people.
  • Crude - Cyrus is generally rude to others and isn't bothered what people think of him.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Sports - Cyrus enjoys sports and was a huge supporter of the Harcourt Football team.
  • Alcohol - One of the benefits of being a nanotype that Cyrus has found is that he can drink as much as he wants without getting blackout drunk.


  • Documentries - Cyrus finds most documentries to be extremely boring, the only exception is something that's football related.


Family Ties

Cyrus had a poor relationship with most of members of his family, however he does miss his mother and would like to visit her if he was given the chance.

Other Relationships

  • Nexus - Cyrus is on good terms with Nexus, but can be impatient with him at times for being slow.
  • Iris - Cyrus follows along with Iris's plans, though is usually disapproves, or generally reluctant to go through with them.

Mental characteristics


27 (Neuronet)
46 (Takeover)
Date of Birth
3rd March 2523nb
Purple, short
Black (Formally)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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