Portwich Edge

Portwich Edge is a large city that resides on the south-west coast of Ibatia. Even though it isn't the capital, it is the one of the largest and most densely populated in the country. The majority of the country's imports and exports travel to here. The coastal side of Portwich is surrounded by a large sea wall to try and protect the city from erosion.   It was later taken over by an organisation, Omicron Incorporated, which caused the city to be almost abandoned, but then rebuilt again when the organisation was taken over by Faror McKnight.   Portwich ended up being on the threat of collapse when The Raiden Brothers attempted to blow up the dam to flood the underground, but was saved by The Maiettan Agency who managed to diffuse the bombs.  

City Layout

  The core of the city is mostly made up of large building complexes, whether that be apartment or office blocks. Towards the coastline is the Industrial park and the Port, which is also where Omicron's headquarters is.   The city provides nessessary public services with a hospital, police stations, fire department, schools etc. It also has an underground rail lines which are linked around the major parts and exiting the city.  


  Underneath the city used to be a large cavern that threatened to collapse the whole city into the sea. This was however averted when the city's leaders (including Omicron's Boss) cleared and stabilized the cavern, blocking water traveling in with a huge dam.   Omicron got permission to maintain the underground area and unknowing to the city leaders, they constructed a second city underneath Portwich which they then used to sent civillians on their take over.   When Omicron had fallen, the underground city ended up being used to house nanotype workers and other outcasts of society. It ended up being a 'dangerous' place for humans to enter as apparently Nanotypes liked attacking people who wandered down there.   The underground is split up into sections, with differing types of jobs being based in each one:   1 - Heavy Labour 2 - Retail 3 - Mechanics 4 - Technology 5 - Defunct 6 - Medical 7 - Business
Portwich Edge: Above
Portwich Edge: below


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